Episode 5
The Real Reason You are Still Buying Low Ticket Offers
Why do we nickel and dime ourselves, especially in the early stages of business? Why do we keep buying low ticket offers that don’t get us the transformation we need?
Every investment is a reflection of a belief you have in yourself. How much do you trust yourself to get the results? What are you willing to give up in order to allow the change to happen?
What’s the problem with low ticket offers?
- They only give one piece of the puzzle
- They give you an “out” if you don’t get the result you’re after
- They don’t offer the support you need for the deep transformation it’ll take to get where you want to go
High ticket investors are willing to shift their identity and step into that next level of frequency of success, and that change means giving up who you are right now. You, and your clients, show up differently for a high ticket investment and the transformation that comes with it.
What’s the limiting belief that you’re holding that’s keeping you in the status quo? You are WORTHY of investment!
Everyone has authority. Your authority matters! www.monetizeyourauthority.com
My new Find Your Entrepreneurial Doppelganger quiz is inside our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitablehappyceo
IG: https://www.instagram.com/carrie_e_koh/
Music credit: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa
A Podcast Launch Bestie production
Let's lovingly talk about the real reason that you may
Carrie Koh:still be buying low ticket offers.
Carrie Koh:Why do we nickel and dime ourselves, especially in the beginning of our
Carrie Koh:businesses when we have these big dreams and big impact typically?
Carrie Koh:People nickel and dime themselves because of core belief, because of
Carrie Koh:a core belief of what's happening when they actually go all in.
Carrie Koh:What they're willing to do, what they're not willing to do.
Carrie Koh:Every investment is a reflection of a belief that you have in yourself.
Carrie Koh:And low ticket offers could be giving yourself.
Carrie Koh:Out could be helping you stay where it's safe in status quo.
Carrie Koh:It could be, you know, this reflection of how much you trust yourself
Carrie Koh:to get results, how much you own the results that that you desire.
Carrie Koh:Every single change is loss.
Carrie Koh:Think of the meaning of change, right?
Carrie Koh:Change means that you are leaving something behind for something different.
Carrie Koh:there is a loss there, there's a grief there, and so many people
Carrie Koh:don't want to experience the loss.
Carrie Koh:Even though we want more clients, the loss might be something that we're.
Carrie Koh:Making up, right?
Carrie Koh:Like I won't be present with my kids if I have more, clients.
Carrie Koh:I won't be able to deliver if I have more clients, right?
Carrie Koh:So we're gonna talk about.
Carrie Koh:Low ticket versus high ticket offers and why you are still buying low
Carrie Koh:ticket offers and not getting the transformation that you really desire
Carrie Koh:because there is a lot of truth and and meaning that we apply to our investment.
Carrie Koh:So let's dive in.
Carrie Koh:First of all, let's like get on the same page in terms of high ticket
Carrie Koh:versus low ticket investment.
Carrie Koh:high ticket investment is really.
Carrie Koh:Investing in a service that is going to give you the real permanent
Carrie Koh:transformation that you desire.
Carrie Koh:Low ticket is really kind of one step of the process.
Carrie Koh:Maybe you're buying one tactic or one strategy or, or one just little
Carrie Koh:piece that's gonna inch you closer.
Carrie Koh:So let me give you an example of this.
Carrie Koh:So my signature Client Attraction Program, clarity to Clients
Carrie Koh:Online Business Accelerator.
Carrie Koh:Is high ticket solution to end sales droughts.
Carrie Koh:It helps you book and close consistent high ticket clients
Carrie Koh:online without cold outreach.
Carrie Koh:No expensive paid ads by uncovering and using your personalized.
Carrie Koh:Client attraction strategies.
Carrie Koh:So that means that you have a sales and marketing strategy that is yours.
Carrie Koh:It's based on your authority.
Carrie Koh:It's something you love because it works.
Carrie Koh:Now, let's look at a low ticket example of that.
Carrie Koh:Maybe there are low ticket examples that pull out one piece
Carrie Koh:of those business foundations.
Carrie Koh:Maybe you learn how to plan your day better, right?
Carrie Koh:And be more efficient.
Carrie Koh:Maybe you learn how to write copy, maybe you learn how to, Close on a sales call.
Carrie Koh:Maybe you learn how to book more sales calls, right?
Carrie Koh:So each one of those are piece of the pie.
Carrie Koh:In those low ticket offers, but it doesn't give you everything you
Carrie Koh:need to actually have the impact that you are wanting to have.
Carrie Koh:So every single investment is a reflection of a belief that we have in ourselves.
Carrie Koh:So low ticket offers don't move the needle to where you really want to go.
Carrie Koh:Are giving you an out.
Carrie Koh:It's giving you an out because it's scary to go for something
Carrie Koh:that we really, really want.
Carrie Koh:Because what if we fail?
Carrie Koh:What if it doesn't work?
Carrie Koh:Our ego is gonna be like, yep.
Carrie Koh:Told you so.
Carrie Koh:See, stay right where you are.
Carrie Koh:Right?
Carrie Koh:Sometimes it's just easier to go about our day and just
Carrie Koh:say, oh, I'll do it next year.
Carrie Koh:Right?
Carrie Koh:But the fact of the matter is, high ticket investors.
Carrie Koh:Are willing to shift their identity and step into that next level of
Carrie Koh:frequency of success, and that change means giving up who you are right now.
Carrie Koh:That changes a loss right?
Carrie Koh:Now, of course, we transform into that better, bigger version of ourselves.
Carrie Koh:But our logical brain is like, wait, but what does that mean for my relationships?
Carrie Koh:What does that mean for my presence?
Carrie Koh:What does that mean that I won't be able to pick up my kids and drop them off?
Carrie Koh:And the fact of the matter is we allow fear.
Carrie Koh:Instead of solution oriented thinking to impact the investments
Carrie Koh:we make in our business.
Carrie Koh:So I wanna dive into why that is.
Carrie Koh:I wanna give you an example.
Carrie Koh:So I have an amazing client who is a luxury bridal stylist.
Carrie Koh:She's awesome.
Carrie Koh:She is.
Carrie Koh:Just one of those people that really, really care for her clients, right?
Carrie Koh:It's not just about luxury.
Carrie Koh:It's about what luxury means from the inside out.
Carrie Koh:And so we were talking as we were pricing her offer, we were really
Carrie Koh:looking at the positioning of this, and there's so much meaning that we
Carrie Koh:put into the positioning of our offer.
Carrie Koh:So I wanted to walk through this process with you so you can apply it
Carrie Koh:to your offer and to your business.
Carrie Koh:So when you really look at.
Carrie Koh:We're gonna take a wedding as an example, okay?
Carrie Koh:When you look at the crazy amounts of money that people spend on
Carrie Koh:a wedding, we have to ask why.
Carrie Koh:Okay, let's use flowers for an example.
Carrie Koh:Flowers are always a big expense for a wedding.
Carrie Koh:People spend five grand plus on big weddings for flowers, right?
Carrie Koh:And.
Carrie Koh:Let's look at why that is, right?
Carrie Koh:I mean, flowers are something that make an impact.
Carrie Koh:It's really something that people walk in and say, oh my gosh, this
Carrie Koh:is such a beautiful wedding, right?
Carrie Koh:And notice that what we get from that $5,000 spending on flowers
Carrie Koh:is external validation, right?
Carrie Koh:We get external validation from our wedding guests to say, Wow, you've
Carrie Koh:put together a beautiful wedding.
Carrie Koh:The external validation, those flowers are for everyone else.
Carrie Koh:Yes, we must enjoy them and, and they're beautiful to look at.
Carrie Koh:But let's be honest, right?
Carrie Koh:It is for the impact that other people can see on your wedding day.
Carrie Koh:Now, let's look at as my client did for her offer, okay, so a bridal stylist,
Carrie Koh:would you pay $5,000 for a bridal stylist?
Carrie Koh:Well, when you look at.
Carrie Koh:What that means.
Carrie Koh:You are investing in a professional to help you draw out your style that
Carrie Koh:is unique to you, that makes you feel your truest and most aligned
Carrie Koh:self through the most important journey, your wedding journey that
Carrie Koh:you have had thus far in your life.
Carrie Koh:So when you look at that importance of how.
Carrie Koh:You select your wardrobe through all of your wedding events, the showers, the
Carrie Koh:parties, up to your wedding dress, the big day, past that into your honeymoon,
Carrie Koh:the way you feel from the inside out.
Carrie Koh:Isn't that the most important thing?
Carrie Koh:But notice that internal feeling, it's for you.
Carrie Koh:It's not for anyone else, right?
Carrie Koh:And those wardrobe selections, you know, there's a lot of judgment,
Carrie Koh:there's a lot of opinions, there's a lot of judgment from others.
Carrie Koh:So, We will spend more on flowers for everyone else than we will on a stylist.
Carrie Koh:That's just for us.
Carrie Koh:Why is that?
Carrie Koh:Because we typically prioritize them over us because we are conditioned
Carrie Koh:to believe that prioritizing us and our desires and how we feel and the
Carrie Koh:impact that we wanna create is selfish.
Carrie Koh:We're not considering other people, we're not considering, you know, what's logical.
Carrie Koh:And so if we prioritized us and how we feel and the impact we wanna make, and
Carrie Koh:the benefit extension of that, like think of the benefit extension of this
Carrie Koh:bride who shows up in her truest self feeling the way she desires to feel.
Carrie Koh:How will she start that marriage?
Carrie Koh:How will she show up on her wedding day and beyond?
Carrie Koh:When she knows she's worthy of that investment.
Carrie Koh:The benefit extension of high ticket offers it's where it matters, right?
Carrie Koh:It's where like we need to put our brains.
Carrie Koh:It's not just about a day or about the pressing the buy It's about
Carrie Koh:that extension of what that means in our lives and when we think that.
Carrie Koh:We have this feeling, or when we feel the guilt, right?
Carrie Koh:For prioritizing ourself or investing in ourselves, there's
Carrie Koh:always other priorities.
Carrie Koh:Somebody needs new shoes, right?
Carrie Koh:Like there are always other priorities, but when we can stop judging ourselves
Carrie Koh:for making us a priority and the impact that we are here to make,
Carrie Koh:the impact that we are literally put on this world to make when we
Carrie Koh:can stop feeling guilty about that.
Carrie Koh:Then that is when we get the transformation, that is when we
Carrie Koh:can invest in ourselves to create the life we truly, truly want.
Carrie Koh:And so if you are not sure whether you want those clients
Carrie Koh:that impact, ask yourself, what is the change that I'm scared of?
Carrie Koh:What am I making that change mean?
Carrie Koh:Do you feel like there's a loss of freedom instead of a gain of freedom?
Carrie Koh:Right.
Carrie Koh:Maybe there's a time constraint.
Carrie Koh:Money objections for all of us is putting unnecessary meaning to the
Carrie Koh:act of spending money, but money is inherently neutral, right?
Carrie Koh:It's an exchange so, Aren't we worthy of the exchange to give money for the impact
Carrie Koh:that we're trying to create on this world?
Carrie Koh:How is prioritizing, um, other things over your success serving you?
Carrie Koh:How is feeling that guilt serving you and how is it limiting you?
Carrie Koh:Because it's really important that we ask ourselves.
Carrie Koh:Why our own success is important.
Carrie Koh:What's the benefit extension?
Carrie Koh:Why is it important to, to stay in status quo, right?
Carrie Koh:What's that ego telling us about, Hey, just stay here because why?
Carrie Koh:What's the limiting belief that you're holding that's
Carrie Koh:keeping you in the status quo?
Carrie Koh:The fact of the matter is you are whole.
Carrie Koh:You are love.
Carrie Koh:You are worthy of investment.
Carrie Koh:You are safe to go after the impact you want to make in this world.
Carrie Koh:So the question you get to ask yourself is when will you choose the exact
Carrie Koh:next step that you really desire?
Carrie Koh:All right.
Carrie Koh:You have this, you've got this.
Carrie Koh:I'd love to hear your comments.
Carrie Koh:Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram, Carrie underscore e underscore co.
Carrie Koh:I'd love to hear your comments.
Carrie Koh:Um, this is such a big topic.
Carrie Koh:It is heated often when we are in that online world, but I firmly believe
Carrie Koh:that you are worthy of high ticket investment because your impact matters.