Episode 4

Don't Skip This Part! You are your business!

Published on: 12th June, 2023

This may seem obvious, but when we’re working to make an impact with our business, the ripple effect extends far beyond our imagination. Think about Oprah or Beyonce. Their businesses are so aligned with who they are that the reach of their influence is gigantic.

When you tap into that knowledge that your business is you, and you get to do things the way that you want, freedom is created. You get to uncover….What are you made of? What does that mean for your business?

In this episode, I’ll help you:

  • Identify and rewire your thoughts 
  • Stop the cycle of self-sabotage
  • Show up with your own vibrant energy 

It’s time to stop comparing and hiding from the fact that there’s no one out there like you. Own it!

Everyone has authority. Your authority matters! www.monetizeyourauthority.com

My new Find Your Entrepreneural Doppelganger quiz is inside our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitablehappyceo

IG: https://www.instagram.com/carrie_e_koh/

Music credit: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

Carrie Koh:

Hey, truth seekers, I feel like this episode's gonna be a little

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bit of a p s, a little bit of a public service announcement for all of us,

Carrie Koh:

quite frankly, because one of the things that is so important when we're looking

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at the impact that we want to create, obviously that impact goes well beyond.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

It's, it's that ripple effect.

Carrie Koh:

It's that, that ripple that extends beyond our imagination.

Carrie Koh:

But in order to create that ripple, our business has to start with us.

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We are our business, and this is something that, number one, some people away.

Carrie Koh:

And number two, when they embrace it, they realize what a gift that is.

Carrie Koh:

And that's where we're gonna dive into today because let's just normalize

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this a little bit because let's look at the entrepreneurs that so many of us.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

So I just created this quiz called Find Your Entrepreneurial Doppelganger.

Carrie Koh:

And it's super fun.

Carrie Koh:

It's inside profitable, happy c e o if you wanna check it out.

Carrie Koh:

But when I was doing this, I was really looking at all of these

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amazing women that I look up to and their's strengths and their skillsets

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and, what created their success.

Carrie Koh:

And it was really, Their uniqueness that they brought to the business, who

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they were is what built their brands.

Carrie Koh:

And so let's look at Oprah.

Carrie Koh:

I mean, you know Oprah, who does not love Oprah.

Carrie Koh:

If you don't love Oprah, I'm just saying this may not be the place for

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you, but Oprah is someone we all can just admire in terms of the massive,

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massive empire that she has built.

Carrie Koh:

And we love her because she's Oprah, she's vulnerable.

Carrie Koh:

She's just like us, even though she's a gajillionaire, right?

Carrie Koh:

But the name of her business is Harpo Productions.

Carrie Koh:

None of us think of Harpo Productions when we think about Oprah.

Carrie Koh:

Oprah is Oprah because Oprah is her business.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Let's think about another one.

Carrie Koh:

How about Ariana Huffington?

Carrie Koh:

She's the founder of Thrive Global, the Huffington Post.

Carrie Koh:

Amazing, amazing business owner, and we know her.

Carrie Koh:

For her passion for rest and rejuvenation and, and the work

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she's done around sleep and how she created a movement around that.

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She is known based on her personal experiences, and that's what informed the

Carrie Koh:

movement and the impact that she created.

Carrie Koh:

Let me give you another one.

Carrie Koh:

Do you know who the faces behind Parkwood Entertainment?

Carrie Koh:

Neither did I, but it is Queen B Beyonce.

Carrie Koh:

Oh God, Beyonce again, who does not love Beyonce.

Carrie Koh:

I cannot.

Carrie Koh:

She is just like the biggest inspiration.

Carrie Koh:

But what's interesting about Beyonce is when you look at

Carrie Koh:

her being her business, right?

Carrie Koh:

I mean, she's a, she's a performer, so obviously, you know, she is the face of

Carrie Koh:

her, of her business, but she's highly, highly private and I will never forget.

Carrie Koh:

I used to watch Oprah, the Oprah show, like literally every day I'd record it.

Carrie Koh:

I'd come home from work, I'd hop on my elliptical, and I would watch Oprah.

Carrie Koh:

And I remember when Oprah interviewed Beyonce and Beyonce

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had just started dating Jay-Z.

Carrie Koh:

And she was so private about it and everybody just wanted to know, right?

Carrie Koh:

And she's like, Nope, this is part of my life that I'm not gonna share.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And then of course, we all get even more curious.

Carrie Koh:

But what I love about Beyonce is she is her business and

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everything's on her terms, right?

Carrie Koh:

She shocks and delights us with all of her, surprise album drops.

Carrie Koh:

And the way she does it is so aligned with who she is.

Carrie Koh:

And that's the cool thing you guys about creating a business and about

Carrie Koh:

creating impact is that when we believe that you are your business, then.

Carrie Koh:

The cool thing is think about the kind of person you are, right?

Carrie Koh:

Aren't you the kind of person who keeps going?

Carrie Koh:

Aren't you the kind of person who goes for what she wants?

Carrie Koh:

Doesn't ask permission, aren't you the kind of person who gets

Carrie Koh:

visible even when it's scary?

Carrie Koh:

So when we realize this, it's like, oh yeah, I am the kind

Carrie Koh:

of person who can rely on me.

Carrie Koh:

And let's be honest, there are way too many women out there

Carrie Koh:

who blame themselves and wonder, you know, what's wrong with me?

Carrie Koh:

Everyone else is doing the thing and it's just not happening for me.

Carrie Koh:

And so, you know this, you are, your business concept can go both ways, right?

Carrie Koh:

When we forget the kind of person we are.

Carrie Koh:

Then we can get into a spiral, but when we can tap into the fact that you are

Carrie Koh:

your business and what are you made of, then we can create that impact

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that we've been trying to create.

Carrie Koh:

So I had a client recently join my, client attraction program, clarity

Carrie Koh:

to Clients, and every Friday I have everyone share their wins.

Carrie Koh:

We are always sharing our wins.

Carrie Koh:

We share it before every coaching call, like it's a super important Part to

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rewire our brain to receive that success.

Carrie Koh:

And so she was in the group, she was in there for like a week and she's

Carrie Koh:

like, God, what is wrong with me?

Carrie Koh:

How come these people have such great wins?

Carrie Koh:

And, and I haven't been able to do that.

Carrie Koh:

You know, she'd done all the cookie cutter strategies, the challenges,

Carrie Koh:

the workshops, you know, she'd read the book, she put herself out

Carrie Koh:

there, and she was in this cycle.

Carrie Koh:

She'd get motivated and she'd have these amazing ideas and she'd put 'em

Carrie Koh:

out there, and then she'd get crickets.

Carrie Koh:

And then she'd be disappointed and then she'd hide, and then she'd retreat,

Carrie Koh:

and then she'd take a break and then she'd have to start all over again.

Carrie Koh:

And you know, she was really relying on this external validation, which

Carrie Koh:

is comments and likes and people sharing your stuff to ensure

Carrie Koh:

that she was heard in scene.

Carrie Koh:

But when we are our business, we don't rely on our audience.

Carrie Koh:

To make us feel hurt or sane, to make us feel like we belong.

Carrie Koh:

We know that inherently we are safe to be us, that we do belong.

Carrie Koh:

And so, you know, when we uncovered her self sabotaging patterns,

Carrie Koh:

which by the way, I wanna make a point about self sabotage because

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we all have those patterns.

Carrie Koh:

And really when it boils down to this one definition, When we create

Carrie Koh:

strategies out of suffering, that is the definition of self-sabotage,

Carrie Koh:

because when we're in a state of nothing's working, what's wrong with me?

Carrie Koh:

Okay, I'm gonna push, push, push.

Carrie Koh:

I'm just gonna do the thing.

Carrie Koh:

I'm going to do this formula that some coach gave me, and then we

Carrie Koh:

get the same results, creating something out of suffering.

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Is more suffering.

Carrie Koh:

And so when we can end our self sabotage by really neutralizing these negative,

Carrie Koh:

distressing emotions and choosing our state and creating strategies

Carrie Koh:

from a place of elevation, suddenly our self sabotage patterns go away.

Carrie Koh:

And so that's what I did with this client.

Carrie Koh:

And so suddenly, you know, she saw that if I'm my business, How can I create

Carrie Koh:

the simplicity that I'm dying for?

Carrie Koh:

How can I create the competency that I know I need?

Carrie Koh:

How can I take ownership for my emotional management?

Carrie Koh:

And you know, when you look at those three things and you own that,

Carrie Koh:

you are your business, just ask yourself, okay, I'm my business.

Carrie Koh:

How do I want to make this simple?

Carrie Koh:

Can I have one signature offer?

Carrie Koh:

Can I just focus on one audience?

Carrie Koh:

Can I just focus on one platform instead of trying to be all over the internet?

Carrie Koh:

I'm telling you when we own our business and that we are the face of the

Carrie Koh:

business, we get to do whatever we want.

Carrie Koh:

And most of my clients want to simplify.

Carrie Koh:

And so ask yourself, okay, I'm my business.

Carrie Koh:

How do I want this to look?

Carrie Koh:

How simple can I make it right?

Carrie Koh:

And where's that one piece of Competency that I want?

Carrie Koh:

This client in particular really had a hard time with sales and she, you know,

Carrie Koh:

thought sales was icky and was just like, Ugh, I don't know, I feel so pushy.

Carrie Koh:

And so we really worked on aligning her offer with the results that she had.

Carrie Koh:

So she really felt it in her bones and she learned the advocacy.

Carrie Koh:

Based selling methods that I teach inside of Clarity to clients so that

Carrie Koh:

it's really the definition of sales is service when we come from a place of

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advocacy and permission-based sales.

Carrie Koh:

And once she mastered that, she started closing clients.

Carrie Koh:

And once she realized those triggers that would put her into that tailspin,

Carrie Koh:

into this, like, what is wrong with me?

Carrie Koh:

Then she was able to, have that emotional management that she had

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been, didn't know she was looking for, quite frankly, but is what helped

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her create more momentum, helped her create faster and better results.

Carrie Koh:

So, I tell you this story about this client, because I know a

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lot of you relate to this, right?

Carrie Koh:

A lot of us, you know, have been out there comparing and despairing and, and listen.

Carrie Koh:

All of that

Carrie Koh:

is just a symptom of us not owning the fact that we are our business.

Carrie Koh:

Our priorities are unique, our lifestyle's unique, our perspectives,

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our training, our experience.

Carrie Koh:

There is no one out there like you with the offer that you have,

Carrie Koh:

with the mission that you have.

Carrie Koh:

So when you own that, you are your business.

Carrie Koh:

You get to tap into that.

Carrie Koh:

Oprah, Beyonce, Ariana Energy.

Carrie Koh:

create that impact that you were put on this world to create.

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About the Podcast

It's Personal
Real Impact Requires Real Truth
This podcast helps women entrepreneurs uncover the real truth about what it takes to create the impact you are put on this earth to create. Inside this podcast we will get real on getting out of your own way and using inevitable adversity and unique life experiences as your superpower to create an impact in your business while living a fulfilling life you love.

About your host

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Carrie Koh

Carrie Koh is a former healthcare executive, business coach, leadership mentor and founder of the Profitable Happy CEO community. She helps professional, driven women entrepreneurs monetize their authority fast without icky cold outreach or expensive paid ads by uncovering their personalized client attraction strategies. She also consults with healthcare organizations to help them create a possibility-focused culture driven by building personal leadership foundations. Her popular TEDx Talk, The Four Choices To Overcome Adversity, helps all of us use adversity as our superpower.