Episode 3

You Are Not A Victim

Published on: 12th June, 2023

You are not a victim. But let’s clarify, I’m not talking about the textbook definition of a victim as in someone who has been harmed. I’m talking about the victimhood mindset that is so prevalent lately, especially with struggling small business owners. We get to choose how we perceive our circumstances.

Victim mentality is sneaky. It shows up when you least expect it and reduces the impact you are able to make!  Listen for the telltale signs of victim mentality, and how to reverse them.

In this episode I’m going to help you get rid of:

  • Unreasonable expectations
  • Self-defeating thought patterns
  • Focusing on what you don’t want
  • Perpetuating the cycle of suffering
  • Feeling helpless

It’s time to take radical ownership for the thoughts in our heads. Everything that happens to us serves us. We just need to figure out how.

To move from being a victim to being a creator, we get to face some things:

  1. Take radical ownership and look at your results without judgment.
  2. Focus on the possibility instead of the pain.
  3. Who do I need to become to be the person who has already created this impact?
  4. Who can I connect with to lift me up?

Everyone has authority. Your authority matters! www.monetizeyourauthority.com

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitablehappyceo

IG: https://www.instagram.com/carrie_e_koh/

Music credit: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

Carrie Koh:

Hello true seekers.

Carrie Koh:

Let me start out by saying you are not a victim.

Carrie Koh:

Now, some of you might be saying, well, of course I'm not a victim.

Carrie Koh:

But sometimes there is this little tiny bit of victim mentality

Carrie Koh:

that creeps into our businesses.

Carrie Koh:

It creeps into our lives, and it prevents us from having the impact.

Carrie Koh:

And listen, it's not our fault.

Carrie Koh:

We have had lots of conditioning around, really making sure things

Carrie Koh:

are perfect, making sure that we're good enough and, and if we're not,

Carrie Koh:

we've gotten ourselves in this guilt and shame and, and this self-doubt.

Carrie Koh:

And it's really that self-doubt cycle.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

That impacts the way you view the world.

Carrie Koh:

And so it's really important for us to talk about what victim mentality

Carrie Koh:

really is in this context and how to create more impact despite it.

Carrie Koh:

Because listen, everything that we experience serves us so.

Carrie Koh:

When I'm talking about victim, I don't mean like the traditional

Carrie Koh:

definition of the word, like you know, if someone is harmed or injured

Carrie Koh:

as a result of a crime or accident, that's not what I'm talking about.

Carrie Koh:

I'm talking about this victim mentality that I see so prevalently in

Carrie Koh:

especially struggling business owners.

Carrie Koh:

But also, I mean, I have absolutely been in this state in the past, so like.

Carrie Koh:

I don't care who you are looking at.

Carrie Koh:

At some point they have been in a state of victim mentality, so we're

Carrie Koh:

gonna talk about how it shows up, how, you know, maybe it's creeped into

Carrie Koh:

your business and what to do instead.

Carrie Koh:

So what I'm talking about victim mentality, what I'm really

Carrie Koh:

talking about is the way we perceive our circumstances really.

Carrie Koh:

The, the view we have of the world, and typically that view

Carrie Koh:

is one of pain over possibility.

Carrie Koh:

It's one of feeling out of control instead of in control.

Carrie Koh:

It's feeling helpless instead of hopeful.

Carrie Koh:

It's, you know, in this blaming state instead of taking radical ownership.

Carrie Koh:

Sometimes in the state, we find ourselves in excuses, well, this

Carrie Koh:

will never work for me because, or oftentimes, you know, we, we hear things

Carrie Koh:

like, well, oh, I already know that.

Carrie Koh:

Like, I know it doesn't work for me.

Carrie Koh:

I'm not even gonna try, you know, those types of defeating thought

Carrie Koh:

patterns and, defeating words create this victim mentality and.

Carrie Koh:

Here's the thing, like we are all kind of conditioned to feel a little

Carrie Koh:

victimy when self-doubt kicks in and we're held to believe that, you know,

Carrie Koh:

we have to hold ourselves to these.

Carrie Koh:

Unreasonable expectations that we literally would not hold anyone else to.

Carrie Koh:

But yet there are moments when we're like, Nope, not good enough.

Carrie Koh:

Need to redo it.

Carrie Koh:

Need to redo it.

Carrie Koh:

and when we are held to these impossible standards, because quite frankly, maybe

Carrie Koh:

we were growing up, maybe we were in our nine to fives, you know, we had

Carrie Koh:

to work harder than everyone else.

Carrie Koh:

We felt like we had to prove ourselves.

Carrie Koh:

There's a lot of reasons for this, you guys, and.

Carrie Koh:

It doesn't matter the reason.

Carrie Koh:

But what's important is that we talk about the fact that it does exist.

Carrie Koh:

It does sneak up into your business.

Carrie Koh:

It does impact the impact that you're willing to make and

Carrie Koh:

it takes away your authority.

Carrie Koh:

So let's talk about how to get that authority back.

Carrie Koh:

So there are three ways that really this victimhood could be potentially showing

Carrie Koh:

up, sneaking into your business So let's talk about that so that you can really.

Carrie Koh:

Be truthful with yourself to be like, Ooh, yeah, I've done that.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And again, there is no shame, there is no judgment.

Carrie Koh:

I know multiple examples of, you know, in my business, having conversations

Carrie Koh:

with my, with my business bestie going, oh my God, this is never gonna work.

Carrie Koh:

I just can't figure it out.

Carrie Koh:

I'm just, Horrible at sales.

Carrie Koh:

I just, I cannot speak to my people.

Carrie Koh:

I just can't like all of this, negative thought patterns over

Carrie Koh:

and over is really putting myself into that victim role, which.

Carrie Koh:

God, we think about that from like our logical brain.

Carrie Koh:

We're like, oh God, that's gross.

Carrie Koh:

I don't wanna be that right?

Carrie Koh:

But that's why we need to slow down to speed up.

Carrie Koh:

That's why we need to increase our awareness around this stuff

Carrie Koh:

because this is the stuff that's going to limit your impact.

Carrie Koh:

So here's one of the signs that, you know, you might be allowing, you

Carrie Koh:

know, this victimy stuff to creep in.

Carrie Koh:

The first is you focus on what you don't want instead of what you do want.

Carrie Koh:

And oftentimes I speak with clients when they start working with me and,

Carrie Koh:

and I ask 'em that question like, what do you want, like for your life?

Carrie Koh:

Like, what does fulfillment look like for you?

Carrie Koh:

What is your dream for this business?

Carrie Koh:

What does impact look like for you?

Carrie Koh:

And they can't articulate it.

Carrie Koh:

They can't articulate.

Carrie Koh:

What it is they actually desire, but they know what they don't want.

Carrie Koh:

They don't wanna stress about money anymore.

Carrie Koh:

They don't wanna feel like they are incapable anymore.

Carrie Koh:

They don't want, don't want, don't want, right?

Carrie Koh:

And so notice that like as a society, we are connected with pain.

Carrie Koh:

Over possibility.

Carrie Koh:

Like think about how we like complain about the weather together, think

Carrie Koh:

about how we like, complain about things and that like connects us.

Carrie Koh:

Think about when something bad happens, maybe, you know, something

Carrie Koh:

bad happens to your neighbor and you know, they're in an accident and

Carrie Koh:

everybody creates a meal train and, and we flock to people in the problem.

Carrie Koh:

And so, That's not a bad thing, by the way, to support people when

Carrie Koh:

they're going through a hard time.

Carrie Koh:

But what we have to notice is the patterning that exists because of that.

Carrie Koh:

We get attention when we are in victim mentality, otherwise we wouldn't do it

Carrie Koh:

because everything serves and limits us.

Carrie Koh:

I remember after my first son passed away, the grief was unimaginable and.

Carrie Koh:

I was in that grief for a very long time because it surfed me.

Carrie Koh:

I mean, there's a lot of layers there, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like, there's this layer of like, if I move on, it means I didn't love him.

Carrie Koh:

Like I should have loved him.

Carrie Koh:

You know, all of these crazy self-judgment stories that, I

Carrie Koh:

know now, you know, after lots of, coaching and therapy, I have really

Carrie Koh:

been on a healing journey from that.

Carrie Koh:

but in the moment, Nobody expected anything from me

Carrie Koh:

because I was a grieving mom.

Carrie Koh:

And so no one expected me to go back to work.

Carrie Koh:

No one expected me to, you know, be, connect with anyone,

Carrie Koh:

return texts or phone calls.

Carrie Koh:

There was literally no expectation put on me.

Carrie Koh:

And that served me because number one, I was able to grieve.

Carrie Koh:

But number two, It allowed me to just be safe, to just stay where I, was,

Carrie Koh:

to just not go through the hard thing.

Carrie Koh:

So I get this, you guys And those moments, like you don't know what

Carrie Koh:

you want and so you think it's just better to stay where I am.

Carrie Koh:

And so if you are focusing on what you don't want, then know that like the

Carrie Koh:

universe is only focusing on what we say.

Carrie Koh:

It's like when you Google, don't want to learn about football, what comes up?

Carrie Koh:

Football, right?

Carrie Koh:

So you learn about football.

Carrie Koh:

So it's like when we're putting these things out in the universe that

Carrie Koh:

are the things that we don't want.

Carrie Koh:

That's what we're getting.

Carrie Koh:

We're getting more of the things that we don't want, and that's when people

Carrie Koh:

get into this cycle of suffering.

Carrie Koh:

And I was 100% in a cycle of suffering when I, launched my

Carrie Koh:

business because I was still in that grieving victim mentality, right?

Carrie Koh:

And so this is why I'm talking about this because I, my business

Carrie Koh:

growth was so slow in the beginning.

Carrie Koh:

So slow.

Carrie Koh:

So slow because of this right here.

Carrie Koh:

I could not take radical ownership for the thoughts in my head for

Carrie Koh:

the feelings that were coming up.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Another telltale sign that victim mentality might be creeping in is, You

Carrie Koh:

know, when you talk about, you know, the results you want, you may think, Hmm,

Carrie Koh:

but they're just not possible for me.

Carrie Koh:

That strategy doesn't work for me.

Carrie Koh:

You know, this is a moment when you focus on what's out of your control.

Carrie Koh:

This might be you seeking permission, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like, I just don't think that I'm able to do that.

Carrie Koh:

Let me ask my so-and-so, whoever is your partner, right?

Carrie Koh:

Or whoever you go to for advice, this is when people refuse to

Carrie Koh:

get into the beginner's mindset, I've already learned this.

Carrie Koh:

this won't work for me.

Carrie Koh:

I know that there's a bit of victim mentality there, and I know that we're

Carrie Koh:

able to turn that around because what that comes from is we are conditioned

Carrie Koh:

for external validation in our careers.

Carrie Koh:

Like, oh my gosh, we lived for external validation, and if we don't get it, we

Carrie Koh:

think we need permission to move forward.

Carrie Koh:

And so, Of course if we don't get external validation from doing a

Carrie Koh:

strategy, maybe we don't get the results for another 90 days, like

Carrie Koh:

we're gonna feel like it's not working.

Carrie Koh:

We're gonna get into that self-doubt spiral.

Carrie Koh:

We'll get into a little bit of the victim.

Carrie Koh:

The third thing that is a telltale sign for victim mentality is often look at

Carrie Koh:

the past to define our future Now, When we look at the past, we look at the

Carrie Koh:

things and the reasons why it won't work.

Carrie Koh:

Well, this didn't work for me before, so I'm not gonna try it again.

Carrie Koh:

I'm not gonna repeat past mistakes, right?

Carrie Koh:

And so it's, it's looking at the past to define like your potential.

Carrie Koh:

And so I know that people are really, in this place of feeling

Carrie Koh:

helpless when they're saying it's just, it's not gonna work.

Carrie Koh:

I, I mean, I've tried that before.

Carrie Koh:

It's not gonna work this time.

Carrie Koh:

There's a reason you guys, because sometimes when things don't

Carrie Koh:

work, strategies don't work.

Carrie Koh:

We aren't ready for them to work because we are scared to get clients.

Carrie Koh:

We are scared of the unknown.

Carrie Koh:

We are scared how the, it's going to change us.

Carrie Koh:

We're scared of failure, so.

Carrie Koh:

If you relate to this, you are joining a group of very successful women who

Carrie Koh:

have risen, who have created amazing impact and have come out the other side.

Carrie Koh:

And I'm so excited for you because even just recognizing this allows us to

Carrie Koh:

elevate to that next level of identity.

Carrie Koh:

So how do we transform from this victimy place to like the creator, to

Carrie Koh:

the boss, to the whatever, fyi, I hate the thing Boss Babes like, mm-hmm.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

So I said, boss and boss Babes immediately came to mind.

Carrie Koh:

But really, you know, to be the creator of our own destiny, right?

Carrie Koh:

So how do you transform?

Carrie Koh:

Well, first we have to be aware that that's what we're doing.

Carrie Koh:

That, you know, we're in that pain over possibility.

Carrie Koh:

We're complaining we're we're giving excuses, noticing, how these

Carrie Koh:

negative thought patterns serve us.

Carrie Koh:

But then there are some real choices that we have to make.

Carrie Koh:

Number one, we need to take radical ownership and we need to

Carrie Koh:

look at the results that we have.

Carrie Koh:

And the results that we don't have from a place of neutrality, and we need to

Carrie Koh:

look at why we don't have those results.

Carrie Koh:

And be honest with ourselves, you guys, if we can't tell ourselves the truth,

Carrie Koh:

we will not get to the other side.

Carrie Koh:

And even though that truth is hard and like, oh my gosh, this

Carrie Koh:

is why every coach needs a coach, because you need that mirror.

Carrie Koh:

I mean, I have said, Some things that I'm like, I, I cannot believe that

Carrie Koh:

I am saying this because I'm just like, I can't believe I got here.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

I was in this pattern in my business for a while where I was, you know,

Carrie Koh:

I was growing pretty rapidly.

Carrie Koh:

I, I started a Facebook group and grew really fast and like

Carrie Koh:

monetized immediately and.

Carrie Koh:

Then a stalled, and I got into this Feaster famine pattern and I would

Carrie Koh:

go up and then I would go down and you know, part of that is normal, but

Carrie Koh:

like the down became more and more.

Carrie Koh:

And I was like, why is this serving me?

Carrie Koh:

And I realized, because I do believe everything serves and everything limits,

Carrie Koh:

and the limit is always easy to see.

Carrie Koh:

But it's often the serve that's hard and the serve I admitted to

Carrie Koh:

myself was when I'm in that famine.

Carrie Koh:

I get attention, I connect with my spouse over that.

Carrie Koh:

I, you know, get full on support from my coach over that.

Carrie Koh:

And that's how I have been trained to receive support is through the problem,

Carrie Koh:

not through elevation, not through celebration, not through potential,

Carrie Koh:

not through like it's working.

Carrie Koh:

So I noticed this pattern and I got to go back to understand where that came from.

Carrie Koh:

And then when I could uncover that, then I was able to trust my intuition

Carrie Koh:

and listen to my own voice and, and really elevate to that next level.

Carrie Koh:

So radical ownership, telling yourself the truth, looking at why you have

Carrie Koh:

the results, why you do not have the results as well, is so important.

Carrie Koh:

Number two, how you get from victim to creator.

Carrie Koh:

Focus on the possibility instead of the pain.

Carrie Koh:

So, What I mean by that is when you're feeling angsty and like, oh

Carrie Koh:

my gosh, that's not working right.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

What's the thing that you desire most?

Carrie Koh:

What's most important to you?

Carrie Koh:

What actions can you take right now to move in that direction?

Carrie Koh:

Because all we need to do is like take one tiny step in that

Carrie Koh:

direction of that thing that we want.

Carrie Koh:

So just start asking yourself questions.

Carrie Koh:

You guys, the power of questions is so, so important and underrated.

Carrie Koh:

So what's the thing you desire most?

Carrie Koh:

What's most important?

Carrie Koh:

What actions can I take to move me towards what's most important?

Carrie Koh:

And you know, what actions do I need to stop doing?

Carrie Koh:

That's a very important question as well.

Carrie Koh:

So number three.

Carrie Koh:

From victim to creator, who do I need to become to be the person who

Carrie Koh:

has already created this impact?

Carrie Koh:

You guys, identity is the thing that nobody is talking about, but

Carrie Koh:

it is the 100% thing that will get you to the next level of impact.

Carrie Koh:

When you embody the person who has the results that you want, then you become.

Carrie Koh:

That person because she already lives inside of you.

Carrie Koh:

She's already there.

Carrie Koh:

It's you tapping into the thoughts, the emotions, the actions,

Carrie Koh:

the habits of this person.

Carrie Koh:

So describe that person.

Carrie Koh:

Who do you need and want to become to have created the impact you desire?

Carrie Koh:

Just think of three words.

Carrie Koh:

Describe that person in three words, and then remind yourself how you can create.

Carrie Koh:

That identity in three words.

Carrie Koh:

I, I often tell my clients to, set an alarm on your phone for

Carrie Koh:

three times a day with these three words, like in the description.

Carrie Koh:

And you will always forget that you're, you set that alarm and it'll

Carrie Koh:

randomly go off three times a day.

Carrie Koh:

And when it does, you'll see your three words.

Carrie Koh:

let's say it's like empowered, confident, bold, and then you can

Carrie Koh:

just ask yourself, how can I be more of these three words right now?

Carrie Koh:

That's it.

Carrie Koh:

Those are the little things you guys that shift our identity.

Carrie Koh:

Number four, to go from victim to creator.

Carrie Koh:

Who can I connect with to lift me up?

Carrie Koh:

You guys, there is research that says when we are in pain, when we

Carrie Koh:

have chosen suffering, we isolate, and that creates more suffering

Carrie Koh:

Especially in your business.

Carrie Koh:

I see this all the time with clients.

Carrie Koh:

If they feel like they're not doing what they should be doing.

Carrie Koh:

If they feel like, they've got a big win, and then they get scared and then

Carrie Koh:

they're like, oh, wait, that was a fluke.

Carrie Koh:

It's not, it's not gonna happen again.

Carrie Koh:

And then they start to isolate and they, they they stop reaching out.

Carrie Koh:

They stop asking questions and, this piece, this connection piece

Carrie Koh:

is so important because this is when it's hard to connect when

Carrie Koh:

you're not feeling your best, right?

Carrie Koh:

But that is why you need a community.

Carrie Koh:

That is why you need people who get you.

Carrie Koh:

we all need that ride or die, right?

Carrie Koh:

Who who've been there, who have con gone before us?

Carrie Koh:

So, Look at yourself truthfully, because you are not a victim.

Carrie Koh:

None of us are you guys.

Carrie Koh:

We are not victims.

Carrie Koh:

we have been impacted by this patterning through our careers, through our nine

Carrie Koh:

to five, through other people telling us who we need to be to be successful.

Carrie Koh:

And now's the time, let's.

Carrie Koh:

Cut that off.

Carrie Koh:

Let's be the creator of our future.

Carrie Koh:

All right.

Carrie Koh:

Get out there and monetize your authority to increase your impact.

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About the Podcast

It's Personal
Real Impact Requires Real Truth
This podcast helps women entrepreneurs uncover the real truth about what it takes to create the impact you are put on this earth to create. Inside this podcast we will get real on getting out of your own way and using inevitable adversity and unique life experiences as your superpower to create an impact in your business while living a fulfilling life you love.

About your host

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Carrie Koh

Carrie Koh is a former healthcare executive, business coach, leadership mentor and founder of the Profitable Happy CEO community. She helps professional, driven women entrepreneurs monetize their authority fast without icky cold outreach or expensive paid ads by uncovering their personalized client attraction strategies. She also consults with healthcare organizations to help them create a possibility-focused culture driven by building personal leadership foundations. Her popular TEDx Talk, The Four Choices To Overcome Adversity, helps all of us use adversity as our superpower.