Episode 10

The Pressure To "Let Go" Is Keeping You Stuck

Published on: 12th June, 2023

Often the memories of adversity will attach themselves to a day, like Mother’s Day or a birthday, and there’s a lot of pressure to “let it go.” There’s a societal expectation that after a certain amount of time has passed, it’s not appropriate to talk about it anymore. But, it’s not as simple as that.

What meaning are you attaching to letting go? Are you making it mean that your pain is no longer valid, or that your loss is now meaningless? It doesn’t have to mean that you’re abandoning the memory of what you’ve been through.

You simply need to release the tether to allow yourself and everyone to soar. Release the pressure to prove that you’ve done enough.

Everyone has authority. Your authority matters! www.monetizeyourauthority.com

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Music credit: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

Carrie Koh:

Hey, true seeker.

Carrie Koh:

So today's episode is completely unplanned.

Carrie Koh:

like a good little new podcaster.

Carrie Koh:

I mapped out my first season and I have been dutifully recording

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when I get into that inspiration.

Carrie Koh:

But today I.

Carrie Koh:

It just felt different today.

Carrie Koh:

You know, something came up that I thought this is important to talk

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about because, you know, this podcast is about the deeper truth and one

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thing that I know is that there are certain triggers that we have around

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certain days that give us the choice to either sweep our truth under the rug.

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Or uncover it, process it, and take the lesson so that we can teach others.

Carrie Koh:

And today is one of those days.

Carrie Koh:

So today is Mother's Day.

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today is a day of mixed emotion.

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Carrie Koh:

Love honoring my mom, my sisters, all the amazing moms that are in my life.

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but at the same time, I love honoring them every other day of the year as well.

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And I think for so many of us, we have different journeys of motherhood,

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different journeys with our own moms, and there's a lot of emotion tied into a day.

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There's a lot of obligation, there's a lot of expectations, and

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that creates disappointment, that creates this feeling of really.

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Wanting something that we don't know that we can articulate or

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really creating this, we're setting ourselves up for failure, right?

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Because of a silly holiday hallmark holiday.

Carrie Koh:

And so one of the things that came up today was this concept of letting go.

Carrie Koh:

And there's a lot of talk about letting go, just let it go.

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Like into the wind, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like, what does letting go mean?

Carrie Koh:

I've coached hundreds, if not thousands of people over the last, eight years.

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And the concept of letting go is something that.

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creates the most angst.

Carrie Koh:

And this morning as I was journaling and really assessing kind of where

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I was energetically, mother's Day is one of just so much gratitude for my

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sweet little son and opening his little homemade gifts he made from school.

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And it's also one of reflection and a bit of sadness for what could have been.

Carrie Koh:

And this morning I just felt, tightness in my throat, it's been.

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10 years since my first son passed from a rare muscle disease, and we spent five

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months with him in the NICU two and a half amazing months at home and created

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a lifetime of memories and a lifetime of joy and experiences and, and it

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was a beautiful, beautiful time while creating the most pain I've ever felt And.

Carrie Koh:

The journey of grief is one that no one really talks about, right?

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Because there's a societal expectation that a certain amount

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of time has passed, so it's not appropriate to talk about it anymore.

Carrie Koh:

They should be over it by now, or like, oh gosh, they really need to let that go.

Carrie Koh:

They feel so stuck, right?

Carrie Koh:

And the fact of the matter is anyone who's experienced grief, which is

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most of us, know that we can't guess when it's going to come upon us.

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We can't guess when that next layer of, emotion and that next layer of

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breakthrough, of lesson of awareness is going to come because of the

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adversity that we've experienced.

Carrie Koh:

And so when I was feeling this tightness in my throat this morning and I was

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thinking about, the sense of like, Grum Nest I was feeling and I was

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like, okay, what is this really about?

Carrie Koh:

And it was really about this concept of not letting go of

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what I'm still holding onto and.

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I have always desired a deeper spiritual connection with my son who passed away.

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And I know that the thing that has been holding me back in so many areas was

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keeping him tethered to me, wanting so deeply that physical nature, wanting

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so deeply to keep his memory alive.

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I'm holding on because I'm making, letting go.

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Acknowledge that his life is not as meaningful as it was one year,

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two years out from his death.

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And this.

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meaning that I am applying is keeping me in a place that isn't allowing growth.

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And it's not that I haven't grown leaps and bounds in the last 10 years.

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I am 100% a different human than I was then.

Carrie Koh:

But something happens when we talk about releasing and letting go of loved ones.

Carrie Koh:

And when I looked at that this morning of what that really meant,

Carrie Koh:

I was making, letting go mean.

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Carrie Koh:

And if you look up the word discarded, it means essentially getting rid of things

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as useless or unwanted and just being tossed away, never to be thought of again.

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Carrie Koh:

You discard trash.

Carrie Koh:

And this morning I was like, oh my gosh.

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No wonder.

Carrie Koh:

No wonder I'm still holding on so tight.

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I'm holding on to make sure he knows that he was wanted, that he

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was loved so, so deeply, but why do I feel the need to prove that?

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Carrie Koh:

And I realized this morning that this is a sneaky way that that external accolades,

Carrie Koh:

that external validation through.

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It comes through the grief in like weird different ways.

Carrie Koh:

It's like I'm looking outside of myself to prove that I loved him, prove that my

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love was enough through all of the pain.

Carrie Koh:

And I see so many other women doing this, whether their pain was lost, whether

Carrie Koh:

their pain was getting fired from their nine to five we define letting go.

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To mean something that it does not, and we create these definitions that

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keep us feeling stuck and really.

Carrie Koh:

What does letting go mean?

Carrie Koh:

It means allowing my son to be what he was meant to be for his soul, to land in a

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place of peace and alignment and purpose.

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And by holding on, I'm keeping him from his purpose, which, in that realm

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is something I can't even fathom.

Carrie Koh:

I can't see, I can't understand.

Carrie Koh:

It's bigger than my earthly view of something.

Carrie Koh:

This is the ultimate unknown.

Carrie Koh:

This is the ultimate fear of facing.

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The unknown.

Carrie Koh:

We don't know why things happen for us, especially when we experience

Carrie Koh:

death, especially when we experience those things that are so painful.

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We don't know the bigger purpose in this moment, and we may never know.

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But letting go does not mean discarded.

Carrie Koh:

And I wanna put a logical example to this because when you ask yourself

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what you are making, letting go mean.

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want you to picture a child who is ready to go off to college and the

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mom says, you know what, honey?

Carrie Koh:

That's amazing.

Carrie Koh:

You've earned so much.

Carrie Koh:

You've got that scholarship, whatever.

Carrie Koh:

Instead of saying, off you go, she's saying, and you're gonna live with me

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and we're gonna go grocery shopping every single day, and we're gonna

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watch movies like we've always done on Friday nights, and we hold them tight.

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Obviously we know that that does not serve the child and it does not serve us.

Carrie Koh:

And so I, Oliver and I had this thing when he was five.

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He didn't wanna go to college.

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I don't know why college was such a big thing when he was five, but apparently

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it was because he didn't wanna leave me.

Carrie Koh:

So I'm like, don't worry, I'm gonna go to college with you.

Carrie Koh:

We're gonna be roommates.

Carrie Koh:

Will you go now?

Carrie Koh:

And he's like, yeah, okay.

Carrie Koh:

I'll go.

Carrie Koh:

Obviously, he's.

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Releasing that need to have me at college.

Carrie Koh:

But I say that like as a joke, but truly, we let go of our children at every

Carrie Koh:

single milestone that they encounter.

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Every single age, every single step that they make, we're releasing them

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a little bit more each day because we know that's what's right for them.

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And that's what's right for us.

Carrie Koh:

We can't grow when we desire the past.

Carrie Koh:

We can't grow when we long for a different present.

Carrie Koh:

Letting go of what tethered us here is the gift that we must give to ourselves, our

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families, our clients, our future clients.

Carrie Koh:

So letting go doesn't mean discarding never to be thought of again.

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Letting go is simply allowing something else.

Carrie Koh:

And I used to say this analogy of letting go is like you can't let

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go until you attach to something.

Carrie Koh:

It's like picturing yourself on a monkey bar, right?

Carrie Koh:

you're hanging from the monkey bar.

Carrie Koh:

You can't let go of that backhand until you attach to the front hand, but, There's

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a lot of pressure in that attachment, like what do you wanna be when you grow up?

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Does any of us know the answer to that?

Carrie Koh:

I don't care how old you are, there's a lot of pressure to attaching to something.

Carrie Koh:

What if it's the wrong thing to attach you?

Carrie Koh:

What if that's not what I was meant to be?

Carrie Koh:

But what if we didn't need to attach just yet?

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Like what if the attachment was just to this trust that the next version of us,

Carrie Koh:

of those we love of life, will unfold the way it should when we just face that

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unknown, We need to let go so that we can allow the next level to unfold so that we

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can become who we're meant to be, without guilt, without shame, without thinking

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we're leaving people behind, or that we're moving on when they can't move on.

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Because the truth is no one is left behind.

Carrie Koh:

The tether is just that a tether cutting our tether to a loved one who's passed

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or to a story that's no longer serving us allows us and everyone we love to soar.

Carrie Koh:

And isn't that what we would want?

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If that person that we had lost was still here, we'd both want each other to soar.

Carrie Koh:

And yet, in death, in adversity, we punish ourselves.

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We stand still to prove that we did enough, that we are good enough, that

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we loved enough, we stand still in duty, and instead, let's release out of love.

Carrie Koh:

Instead of having this definition of discarding and letting go, let's just

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release the pressure, let's release, the pressure to open up a purpose that is

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evolving every single minute of every single day release to create that freedom,

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that fun, that glory, that achievement, that love that you are seeking.

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When we cut that tether, And release ourselves.

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It's not that we're floating around with no purpose We're just releasing

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those limiting beliefs, that obligation and that duty so that we can create

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an adventure of seeking what's next.

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And when we see that as an adventure and not an obligation to say, here is

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my purpose, this is my mission, this is what I'm put on the earth to do.

Carrie Koh:

When we can just allow the adventure to unfold by allowing ourselves to release.

Carrie Koh:

Then that's where freedom comes from.

Carrie Koh:

That's where fun comes from.

Carrie Koh:

You know, we think money is tied to the sense of freedom, but that's not it.

Carrie Koh:

It's not the money, it's the release.

Carrie Koh:

And so I.

Carrie Koh:

For all of you mothers who are out there on this day, even though you'll

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be listening to this months later, I honor you because I truly believe that

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you should be honored every single day, and really allow yourself to

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release what no longer served you.

Carrie Koh:

All right.

Carrie Koh:

True seekers have an amazing, amazing day.

Carrie Koh:

Whatever that brings for you, and my hope for you is that that you are able

Carrie Koh:

to release into the next version of who you desire to become, go out and monetize

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About the Podcast

It's Personal
Real Impact Requires Real Truth
This podcast helps women entrepreneurs uncover the real truth about what it takes to create the impact you are put on this earth to create. Inside this podcast we will get real on getting out of your own way and using inevitable adversity and unique life experiences as your superpower to create an impact in your business while living a fulfilling life you love.

About your host

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Carrie Koh

Carrie Koh is a former healthcare executive, business coach, leadership mentor and founder of the Profitable Happy CEO community. She helps professional, driven women entrepreneurs monetize their authority fast without icky cold outreach or expensive paid ads by uncovering their personalized client attraction strategies. She also consults with healthcare organizations to help them create a possibility-focused culture driven by building personal leadership foundations. Her popular TEDx Talk, The Four Choices To Overcome Adversity, helps all of us use adversity as our superpower.