Episode 11

$100K Month Truth!

Published on: 12th June, 2023

Back in episode 9 I touched on some misconceptions about what it means to close $95k in sales or to have a $100k month and how that really looks in business. Remember, that doesn’t mean $100k cash in your hand, right?

In this episode I’m here to shed some light on what that process really looked like for me. I just passed my first $100k month mark recently and I wasn’t allowing myself to own this milestone or feel anything around it because it didn’t come in through my signature program like I wanted it to. What I had done was use my creativity to fill a need in my clients, using a piece of my authority I hadn’t stepped into before.

I went through a lot of self-work around my new success and I realized a few things:

  1. Nothing changes and it’s okay to feel neutral, because money is neutral
  2. Don’t undermine your own goals
  3. When you have an idea, execute on it

Everyone has authority. Your authority matters! www.monetizeyourauthority.com

Join the conversation inside our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitablehappyceo

IG: https://www.instagram.com/carrie_e_koh/

Music credit: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

Carrie Koh:

Welcome truth seekers.

Carrie Koh:

I am about to share something that is a little bit unbelievable and I'm kind

Carrie Koh:

of nervous to share it because I really wanna make sure that I set the tone and

Carrie Koh:

I set the expectation for what's possible when it's possible, and also help you

Carrie Koh:

see that there are things possible for you right now in your business.

Carrie Koh:

Beyond your dreams right now.

Carrie Koh:

There are things that are possible milestones that you have set that

Carrie Koh:

can come faster than you think.

Carrie Koh:

So last week I was sitting by the pool in Mexico.

Carrie Koh:

I was attending a luxury business retreat with my coach and my

Carrie Koh:

colleagues in the mastermind that I was in, and we were sitting by the

Carrie Koh:

infinity pool overlooking the ocean.

Carrie Koh:

And I happened to pick up my phone and I happened to look at my email,

Carrie Koh:

which I never look at my email.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

In my email, 5K came through my funnel.

Carrie Koh:

Now, normally that's not that big a deal, but that was the last 5K

Carrie Koh:

that I needed to close 100 K in business in less than a month.

Carrie Koh:

I had set this goal for myself to close a hundred K in a month.

Carrie Koh:

I set this goal two years ago and I finally did it in the

Carrie Koh:

most beautiful place, right?

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

I wanna share some transparency in that.

Carrie Koh:

I wanna share what that journey looks like, because I think there's so much crap

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out there about like, oh, I just had my 50 K month, a hundred K month, or million K

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month, whatever it is, and we think that, oh my gosh, this person just closed and

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has in their hand this amount of money.

Carrie Koh:

And that's just not the.

Carrie Koh:

Case, right?

Carrie Koh:

That's like not how real businesses work.

Carrie Koh:

so when I say that I closed a hundred K month, let's just like

Carrie Koh:

be clear on what that means.

Carrie Koh:

I closed a hundred K in business.

Carrie Koh:

That I am delivering now and some I'm delivering later.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

My business is between consulting and coaching, and so I have

Carrie Koh:

part of that a hundred K is yes, pay in full in my bank account.

Carrie Koh:

other parts are through invoices that I sent out.

Carrie Koh:

Other parts are through payment plans, right?

Carrie Koh:

So it's not like I have a hundred K from this month in my bank account.

Carrie Koh:

But the cool thing about that is, is like I have allowed a hundred k.

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In a short period of time, and I get to hold that elevated frequency

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throughout the journey of all of the payment plans, all of the invoices.

Carrie Koh:

And when I do that, when we hold the frequency of that success, of

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that milestone, of that win, it's called the momentum of sales, and

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we make more sales because of that.

Carrie Koh:

We create this new elevated version of ourselves and.

Carrie Koh:

When I really look at this moment of when I closed the last 5K and

Carrie Koh:

I didn't allow it, like I did not.

Carrie Koh:

Allow myself to feel a feeling and I thought that was bad.

Carrie Koh:

I literally looked up, I was like, I don't feel anything.

Carrie Koh:

I should be feeling something I should like.

Carrie Koh:

There should be fireworks.

Carrie Koh:

There should be a band playing in the background, but there was nothing.

Carrie Koh:

And isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

Carrie Koh:

Because isn't this just a natural transition, whatever

Carrie Koh:

your next milestone is?

Carrie Koh:

Well, of course it's going to feel natural because you have elevated.

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To the type of person that attracts that level of money.

Carrie Koh:

Whether you are going for your first 5k, 10 K hundred, K, 500 K, whatever that is,

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we have to become the person first who allows that level of frequency to flow in.

Carrie Koh:

And so, As I was working through this, I did a lot of energetic work while I

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was celebrating this because I wasn't allowing myself to celebrate this, and

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it was just like, okay, it's just new.

Carrie Koh:

Like I'm uncomfortable in the newness.

Carrie Koh:

Like I, I'm not used to this level of frequency.

Carrie Koh:

And so I did the work that I do with my clients around that.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

When I looked a level deeper and really saw the root of this a hundred

Carrie Koh:

K coming into my bank account, you guys, a hundred percent of it

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was referral, business referral.

Carrie Koh:

I didn't do a launch.

Carrie Koh:

I did literally one sales call.

Carrie Koh:

It was all evergreen sales.

Carrie Koh:

I can pinpoint every dollar of that a hundred K.

Carrie Koh:

That came from a past client.

Carrie Koh:

And the reason that's important is that so many people gloss over the

Carrie Koh:

delivery within their programs.

Carrie Koh:

But when you deliver in a way that clients both yes, get results and become.

Carrie Koh:

This brand ambassador and refer you clients, like, that's when the ease and

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the flow comes in and it all starts when you serve before you have clients, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like I, my first 10 K in my Facebook group, I had less than 20 people.

Carrie Koh:

And I serve them because I wanted to serve them because I was there to

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help them build wealth with friends, whether they were my clients or not.

Carrie Koh:

And when we can look at these milestones from the place of serving first, from

Carrie Koh:

the place of selling, because selling is that advocacy thing to do, then

Carrie Koh:

all of the rest falls into place and.

Carrie Koh:

Let's talk a little bit about the strategy because.

Carrie Koh:

When I was not owning this a hundred K month, it was because it

Carrie Koh:

wasn't the way I wanted it to go.

Carrie Koh:

It was because this is not what I had planned.

Carrie Koh:

I thought that a hundred K was going to come through my funnel, through my

Carrie Koh:

signature program, clarity to clients.

Carrie Koh:

That is what I thought.

Carrie Koh:

That is what I expected, and that is not the way it happened, and so I had to give

Carrie Koh:

up the how in order to make this happen.

Carrie Koh:

In order to allow this to come to me, I had to focus on the what and the

Carrie Koh:

feeling of what that success feels like.

Carrie Koh:

I had to become that person first.

Carrie Koh:

And so in that becoming, I allowed my creative energy to mix with

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my love of what I do and that desire and, and I use my intellect

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to come up with the offer that.

Carrie Koh:

A certain subset of clients wanted, right?

Carrie Koh:

And so this work happened probably 60 days before I landed, you

Carrie Koh:

know, a hundred K in a month.

Carrie Koh:

And it was really this evolution of me coming up with this idea

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that had quite honestly been.

Carrie Koh:

You know, moving around in my brain for a long time and I hadn't taken action,

Carrie Koh:

but I was finally ready to do the brave thing to create something out of my

Carrie Koh:

truest level of authority and my truest desire, and I realized that I have

Carrie Koh:

the capability to change an industry.

Carrie Koh:

I have the capability to change the way that people think and the way

Carrie Koh:

that people feel so that they create this life and business that they love.

Carrie Koh:

And the reason I have this capability is because I have this innate truth,

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which is I can tell people the truth in the way that they can receive it.

Carrie Koh:

And this is a level.

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Of my authority that I had not owned before.

Carrie Koh:

So ask yourself, what is your level of authority that you're not owning?

Carrie Koh:

Why are you really good at what you do?

Carrie Koh:

Why are people attracted to you?

Carrie Koh:

Because they are.

Carrie Koh:

And so when we can articulate that right, and when we can elevate

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to this next level of frequency.

Carrie Koh:

Your people will follow.

Carrie Koh:

People are so scared that, oh my gosh, if I make this much money, I'm gonna,

Carrie Koh:

people aren't gonna relate to me.

Carrie Koh:

I'm gonna lose friends and my spouse isn't gonna relate to me.

Carrie Koh:

And the fact of the matter is when you reach and elevate and become

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that next level, whatever that next level is for you, you expand

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so deeply that those around you can't help but move towards you.

Carrie Koh:

And this happens online.

Carrie Koh:

This happens in person.

Carrie Koh:

And after I closed this a hundred k month, I did a little experiment.

Carrie Koh:

I was like, okay, I absolutely feel different.

Carrie Koh:

And it's not because of the money, right?

Carrie Koh:

Because remember, the money's not all on my bank account.

Carrie Koh:

But it was the transformation that I allowed.

Carrie Koh:

So in Mexico, we had, oh, you guys, we had the most epic, epic

Carrie Koh:

experience in this beautiful sonte.

Carrie Koh:

With these sound healers and I had never been a part of a sound bath, and

Carrie Koh:

in fact, I'd never even heard of that.

Carrie Koh:

and it was literally the most transformative experience because I

Carrie Koh:

allowed it to be, because I had the intention to release that thing that

Carrie Koh:

is no longer serving me and for me.

Carrie Koh:

In this moment, after all that I have accomplished, I realized that

Carrie Koh:

I was still choosing suffering.

Carrie Koh:

I was still choosing suffering in obligation.

Carrie Koh:

I was choosing suffering in the tiniest of ways in the food that I ate, in

Carrie Koh:

the decisions that I made every day.

Carrie Koh:

These things that we gloss over, you know, like the food is a great example.

Carrie Koh:

It's like, oh, I can't lose weight.

Carrie Koh:

I'm 50 now.

Carrie Koh:

And you know, it's just so hard to lose weight.

Carrie Koh:

And no matter how much exercise I do, nothing changes.

Carrie Koh:

It's like, or look at the choices I'm making out of obligation.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And when we see that result we have is a choice, then it gives us so much power.

Carrie Koh:

And so it was in this beautiful, beautiful cave that I had this

Carrie Koh:

experience, this transformational experience that allowed me to see that

Carrie Koh:

I was choosing suffering above all else.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

I had never been able to see that because my entire existence since losing

Carrie Koh:

my son 10 years ago was about living life and taking the lessons from him.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And teaching others and, and, and doing good with it and

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extending his little legacy.

Carrie Koh:

But what it was really about is the lesson that I needed to learn, that

Carrie Koh:

I had released suffering for so many people around me, I felt like I

Carrie Koh:

had to hold onto it because closer I held suffering, the more I felt that.

Carrie Koh:

I loved the more I felt that the sacrifices I was making were

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love, and that's just not true.

Carrie Koh:

It's just not true.

Carrie Koh:

Suffering is not love.

Carrie Koh:

So through this transformational experience, I was able to

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release the habit of choosing suffering, of choosing obligation.

Carrie Koh:

And I had to replace it with something, you know, I had to look at why I was doing

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it right and, and the judgment around being selfish and all of those things.

Carrie Koh:

And so when we can go to that deeper level, we crack ourselves open.

Carrie Koh:

To something that is beyond our expectation and that's how

Carrie Koh:

we get rid of the how right?

Carrie Koh:

When we can just release the how and crack ourselves open with the releasing

Carrie Koh:

that resistance and, and making sure that, we are being the truest

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version of ourselves, understanding where we're holding ourselves back.

Carrie Koh:

Then that creative energy starts.

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climbing in.

Carrie Koh:

We start to connect instead of isolate.

Carrie Koh:

I, start to connect with the resources that I have to help me.

Carrie Koh:

Nobody does this alone, you guys.

Carrie Koh:

Nobody gets to this milestone alone.

Carrie Koh:

You need coaches.

Carrie Koh:

You need, people around you who get it, who get you, who can see you.

Carrie Koh:

Like that is why I hit a hundred K months, because I invested in high level

Carrie Koh:

mentorship over and over and over again.

Carrie Koh:

And I allowed myself to take radical responsibility for the results that I

Carrie Koh:

had, for the thoughts, for the emotions.

Carrie Koh:

And the fact of the matter is, I was scared like, okay, I do

Carrie Koh:

it once, but can I do it again?

Carrie Koh:

It says a fluke.

Carrie Koh:

Like all of those things that we go through at the beginning of our

Carrie Koh:

business, when we get our first client, oh my God, that happened.

Carrie Koh:

But then you focus on delivery and can I do it again?

Carrie Koh:

And you know, it's just like, start and stop.

Carrie Koh:

But isn't that okay?

Carrie Koh:

isn't jumping back into the beginner's mindset, the way we compress time

Carrie Koh:

and elevate to the next level.

Carrie Koh:

And so, you know, when I started my client attraction journey and

Carrie Koh:

created my strategies and mindset and execution within clarity to clients,

Carrie Koh:

I was making really good money, right?

Carrie Koh:

I was closing consistent 5k 10 K clients, multiple five figure

Carrie Koh:

months, but then put on the brakes and I was like, What's going on?

Carrie Koh:

I'm not feeling safe.

Carrie Koh:

What do I do with this money?

Carrie Koh:

So I spent it and I built that and I did all the things.

Carrie Koh:

I was not in the frequency of holding on and then releasing, and When I realized

Carrie Koh:

that, when I realized that literally every strategy works when you are in the

Carrie Koh:

frequency of already having the result that you desire, when you are in that

Carrie Koh:

emotion, it can't help but convert.

Carrie Koh:

I focused on the energetic piece and I really asked the questions

Carrie Koh:

and I really practice it because I knew I had the strategies.

Carrie Koh:

I sell strategies inside of Clarity data clients, right?

Carrie Koh:

And when you use those foundational strategies on top of the

Carrie Koh:

energetics, that's when you allow yourself to have these creative

Carrie Koh:

ideas of, what if I did this?

Carrie Koh:

You know, I see so many clients come to me with an offer and it's the

Carrie Koh:

offer they think they should do.

Carrie Koh:

Not the offer they think they want to do.

Carrie Koh:

And sometimes it takes them the full 90 days to accept that

Carrie Koh:

they're selling the wrong offer.

Carrie Koh:

my goal is to tell them the truth in a way that they can receive it, so

Carrie Koh:

that they can start selling the offer that's aligned with their purpose.

Carrie Koh:

So we align their purpose with their business immediately.

Carrie Koh:

And when I did that, when I was allowing myself to align my

Carrie Koh:

business with my purpose, I came up with an incredible offer.

Carrie Koh:

And I started to have conversations.

Carrie Koh:

People would just come into my inbox and ask for conversations and ask my

Carrie Koh:

opinion on things, and that turned into a sales call and, and it just snowballs.

Carrie Koh:

And so, you know, we hear all these things about a hundred K month.

Carrie Koh:

Here's my takeaways.

Carrie Koh:

Number one, nothing changes.

Carrie Koh:

It feels completely neutral, and that's a good thing because money

Carrie Koh:

is inherently neutral, right?

Carrie Koh:

When we can understand this, that money is inherently neutral and that

Carrie Koh:

it is the energy, the meaning that we put behind all of these things, I.

Carrie Koh:

That stops money, right?

Carrie Koh:

And so when we see that money's just neutral, right?

Carrie Koh:

And if we are open to the how, and we focus on the feeling of what that

Carrie Koh:

result is going to feel like, and we embody that, we become that person.

Carrie Koh:

That is what opens up referrals, client attraction, evergreen sales.

Carrie Koh:

You don't need like exhausting launches.

Carrie Koh:

You don't need to do those things you don't want to do.

Carrie Koh:

And so, The other piece to this, in addition to the neutrality is.

Carrie Koh:

We need to look at the goals that we set because I had this habit of creating

Carrie Koh:

goals at like a low ball level, so I could protect myself well, if I,

Carrie Koh:

like, if I set this goal, but really if I set my goal for, let's say, five

Carrie Koh:

clients, but you know, I'll really be happy with two, then clearly we

Carrie Koh:

are not going to close five clients.

Carrie Koh:

And the reason we do that is to protect ourselves.

Carrie Koh:

Our ego's keeping us safe, we're keeping us in our status quo.

Carrie Koh:

And so, I stopped doing that.

Carrie Koh:

I stopped undermining my own goals and I just stayed steady

Carrie Koh:

at this a hundred K goal.

Carrie Koh:

And now I'm not upping that goal.

Carrie Koh:

I'm embodying the frequency of the person who has closed consistent

Carrie Koh:

a hundred K months instead of 10 K months, 20 K months, whatever.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And so this piece of it, you guys is why?

Carrie Koh:

The strategies work.

Carrie Koh:

This is why my clients get results because we integrate the power of choice in our

Carrie Koh:

emotions and our thoughts into their personalized strategies so that they

Carrie Koh:

can get the results that they desire.

Carrie Koh:

Now, clearly, execution implementation is an important part of that,

Carrie Koh:

and that's the third takeaway from this a hundred K month is.

Carrie Koh:

I execute it.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Like so many people think manifesting is this, thing.

Carrie Koh:

We sit on the couch and it will be, and I'm still like, not like

Carrie Koh:

I believe in manifesting, but it's not the language I use.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Because I really break it down into that like strategy, mindset, becoming

Carrie Koh:

and taking action in alignment with.

Carrie Koh:

That feeling of having become the person.

Carrie Koh:

That's my definition of manifesting.

Carrie Koh:

And so, when we can really understand that it takes all of this, we're

Carrie Koh:

not just sitting back and, and.

Carrie Koh:

Pretending, right?

Carrie Koh:

We're actually taking action towards the thing we want,

Carrie Koh:

but we're giving up the how.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

It's like when you have an idea, and I, I remember doing this a lot.

Carrie Koh:

I have an idea and I would never execute it.

Carrie Koh:

Oh my gosh, no one's gonna buy that, or it's gonna fail, or whatever.

Carrie Koh:

But when I stopped doing that, you guys, if there is one takeaway from

Carrie Koh:

this, this is what I want you to do.

Carrie Koh:

When you have an idea, I want you to execute on it.

Carrie Koh:

If you're scared, ask yourself, okay, what's the serve in doing this idea?

Carrie Koh:

What's the limit in doing this idea?

Carrie Koh:

And then you get into this place of neutrality and then you can

Carrie Koh:

make a decision from there.

Carrie Koh:

But when you get an idea and you're like, oh my God, this is amazing, it.

Carrie Koh:

That's how you learn.

Carrie Koh:

That's how you grow.

Carrie Koh:

That's how that monetization happens fast because you're in the frequency

Carrie Koh:

of someone who's doing something out of desire instead of someone else's

Carrie Koh:

template, someone else's launch strategies, someone else's whatever.

Carrie Koh:

That is how you do it out of desire.

Carrie Koh:

And when I did that, can see, very clearly two different desire points in my

Carrie Koh:

business that I created massive revenue.

Carrie Koh:

This last one.

Carrie Koh:

Was the obvious one, right?

Carrie Koh:

But the other one was when I started my Facebook group, it was out of pure desire.

Carrie Koh:

I had no monetization strategy, but I just sold.

Carrie Koh:

Cause I didn't know you shouldn't and you should because selling is advocacy.

Carrie Koh:

And so that's when I created out of my desire point and the revenue came.

Carrie Koh:

So if you're forcing something you don't wanna be doing.

Carrie Koh:

Let's position your offer.

Carrie Koh:

So it's something that you're aligned with.

Carrie Koh:

If you're forcing yourself to, become something that you do

Carrie Koh:

actually don't wanna become.

Carrie Koh:

Don't do it.

Carrie Koh:

So notice what you're doing out of obligation, because for me, giving up

Carrie Koh:

the habit of obligation, welcomed this endless revenue, I have endless revenue

Carrie Koh:

potential because I have the business foundations that I build over and over.

Carrie Koh:

It's not the sexy stuff, it's really not.

Carrie Koh:

I built the business foundations that I teach inside Clarity

Carrie Koh:

to clients every single day.

Carrie Koh:

It's what I do in my business and.

Carrie Koh:

You can't help but close dream clients when you just have the

Carrie Koh:

foundations that are on autopilot.

Carrie Koh:

You just do 'em and it's not hard.

Carrie Koh:

It's, it's just something that becomes a part of who you are.

Carrie Koh:

Because remember, we are our business.

Carrie Koh:

Our business is personal and.

Carrie Koh:

when we can own that and, and use that for good and, and create that more

Carrie Koh:

authentic content and that place of this new level of authenticity, we

Carrie Koh:

hear that word a lot, authenticity.

Carrie Koh:

But I will tell you, since I closed this hundred k, months since I was in

Carrie Koh:

that elevated frequency of this retreat, and I learned what frequency meant

Carrie Koh:

and now I'm teaching my clients, My content has gotten way more engagement,

Carrie Koh:

way more engagement like it's crazy.

Carrie Koh:

And so it's not the strategy, you guys, it's the, the mindset with

Carrie Koh:

the strategy with the execution.

Carrie Koh:

All right.

Carrie Koh:

Okay, guys.

Carrie Koh:

Hope that is helpful.

Carrie Koh:

I would love to hear your thoughts on what it you think it takes to get you

Carrie Koh:

to whatever that next milestone is.

Carrie Koh:

Feel free to reach out on Instagram carry underscore e under score co.

Carrie Koh:

I would love to hear your feedback and what worked for you, like how

Carrie Koh:

did you reach that last milestone?

Carrie Koh:

I love to hear.

Carrie Koh:

Everyone's different path because the beauty of doing what we're doing

Carrie Koh:

is that we all get to do it our way.

Carrie Koh:

Now, get out there.

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About the Podcast

It's Personal
Real Impact Requires Real Truth
This podcast helps women entrepreneurs uncover the real truth about what it takes to create the impact you are put on this earth to create. Inside this podcast we will get real on getting out of your own way and using inevitable adversity and unique life experiences as your superpower to create an impact in your business while living a fulfilling life you love.

About your host

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Carrie Koh

Carrie Koh is a former healthcare executive, business coach, leadership mentor and founder of the Profitable Happy CEO community. She helps professional, driven women entrepreneurs monetize their authority fast without icky cold outreach or expensive paid ads by uncovering their personalized client attraction strategies. She also consults with healthcare organizations to help them create a possibility-focused culture driven by building personal leadership foundations. Her popular TEDx Talk, The Four Choices To Overcome Adversity, helps all of us use adversity as our superpower.